Expectations in Psychedelic Therapy

Published on 4 October 2023 at 17:26

Psychedelic assisted therapy is a promising new treatment modality for a wide range of mental health conditions. However, it is important to be aware of the impact of conscious and subconscious expectations on the psychedelic experience.

Conscious expectations are those that we are aware of and that may be shaped by our personal beliefs, experiences, and cultural conditioning. For example, someone who has heard stories of others having mystical experiences during psychedelic therapy may have the conscious expectation that they will also have such an experience.

Subconscious expectations are those that we are not aware of but that can still influence our experience. For example, someone who has a history of trauma may have a subconscious expectation that they will be triggered during a psychedelic experience.

Both conscious and subconscious expectations can act as lenses through which we perceive our psychedelic journey. If we have unrealistic or negative expectations, they can hinder us from fully surrendering to the experience and receiving its full benefits.

The Struggles of Surrendering in a Psychedelic Therapy Session

Surrendering to the psychedelic experience is essential for healing and growth. However, it can be difficult to surrender when we have strong expectations about what should happen.

For example, someone who expects to have a blissful and mystical journey may resist the experience if it becomes challenging or uncomfortable. They may try to control the experience or even try to end it early. This resistance can prevent them from fully experiencing the transformative potential of psychedelics.

The Role of a Psychedelic Facilitator or Integration Coach

A psychedelic facilitator or integration coach can be invaluable in helping clients navigate the challenges of surrendering to the psychedelic experience. A skilled facilitator can help clients break free from looping thoughts and patterns, and move towards a state of acceptance and surrender.

The Risk of Devaluing your Psychedelic Journey

If we have high expectations for our psychedelic journey, we may be at risk of devaluing it if those expectations are not met. For example, someone who expects to have a profound spiritual awakening may feel disappointed if their experience is more subtle or introspective.

It is important to remember that every psychedelic experience is unique and valuable, regardless of whether or not it meets our expectations. A psychedelic facilitator or integration coach can help clients to appreciate the gifts and insights they received during their journey, even if it was not what they expected.

The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Limiting Beliefs

Our limiting beliefs can also influence our psychedelic experience. For example, someone who believes that they are not worthy of healing may have a subconscious expectation that their psychedelic journey will be unsuccessful. This can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the client's resistance to the experience can prevent them from receiving its benefits.

A psychedelic facilitator or integration coach can help clients to identify and challenge their limiting beliefs. This can help clients to open themselves up to the full potential of the psychedelic experience.

The Role of a Psychedelic Integration Coach or Therapist

Psychedelic integration is the process of understanding and integrating the insights and experiences gained during a psychedelic journey into one's daily life. This can be a complex and challenging process, especially if the client had a difficult or challenging experience.

A psychedelic integration coach or therapist can provide support and guidance to clients as they integrate their experiences. They can help clients to understand the meaning of their experiences, develop new coping mechanisms, and make positive changes in their lives.


It is natural to have expectations about our psychedelic journey, especially if we have been struggling for a long time. However, it is important to manage our expectations carefully to avoid devaluing the experience. Working with a psychedelic facilitator or integration coach can be invaluable in helping us to surrender to the experience, appreciate its gifts, and integrate its insights into our lives.

This way, we can break free from negative patterns and pave the way for genuine change and growth.

Additional Tips for Managing Expectations

  • Be open to the possibility of having an unexpected experience.
  • Remember that every psychedelic experience is unique and valuable.
  • Trust that the medicine knows what you need.
  • Surrender to the journey and allow yourself to be transformed.

If you are struggling to integrate your psychedelic experience, please reach out to a qualified psychedelic integration coach or therapist.

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